Thursday, July 1, 2010

Day 19 of Living in Korea-Finally tried Korean food! (I'm so ashamed to admit that....)

What a great day! The people of Korea are definitely the best part about it. I worked hard this morning (and a little bit this afternoon) and got a LOT of work done. I'm still not where I need to be, but I'm getting closer. Unfortunately I didn't get to go home early, which is ok. One of my co-teachers stayed at the school and worked on her own work and then invited me to hang out with her after school was over.
We were going to walk to the department store, but another teacher gave us a ride instead. We walked for a bit before deciding on "Rotiboy Bakery." I've walked by this place twice a day for the last three weeks and still hadn't been in there so i was anxious to try it. I ordered Chocolate Ecstasy Ice Cream and a plain Rotiboy, which is a bun that's soft on the inside but a bit crunchy on the outside. Both were AMAZING. The ice cream was rich and delicious and the Rotiboy was so sweet-kind of reminded me of angel food cake in a way, but not really. I'm not sure how to explain it.

Anyway, the whole reason my co-teacher and I were hanging out is because one of my parents from parents' class had called today and invited me to come over tonight, which meant I had to flake on some plans that I had already made (I figured it would be easier to explain it to the fellow American than it would be to explain it to the parent). The parent's husband is an English teacher at a nearby high school and he was anxious to meet me. It turns out he has a big test and interview next week and they invited me over to practice English. He wants me to come over every day at 5 o'clock until next Wednesday to practice his English! I made a deal with him-I'd help him practice English if he helps me with my Korean :-) It helped that the parent in my class took me out for supper tonight, which is where I finally tried Korean food. We ate at a bulgogi place, which is Korean barbeque (kind of). It was delicious!! They brought out a huge plate of beef, 10 side dishes, and a bowl of rice for each of us. Of course, they also brought out chopsticks which I don't have a lot of experience in...after giggling at me for a few minutes, the parent went up to the counter and got me a fork :-) She knew that I'm not used to spicy foods, so she warned me about several of the dishes. I tried them anyway, which caused my face to turn bright red! She thought that was pretty funny also. I enjoyed everything that I ate, although my overactive gag reflex kicked in at one point. One of the side dishes was the consistency of Jello but the color of...well, it was the same color as the beef. It didn't taste bad, just felt a little funny going down and so I gagged a bit. It was not easy to explain that one, let me tell you.


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